Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wide Eyed Productions presents A Girl Wrote It. An evening of One-Act plays by women playwrights. Because just 17% of America's main stage productions are written by women, Wide Eyed attempts to tip the scales and expose eager audiences to more fantastic theatre. A Girl Wrote It is an ambitious evening of 4 dark, dangerous and humorous plays with universal themes. Wide Eyed takes great pride in presenting cohesive, well designed collections, and A Girl Wrote It is sure to please even the most discerning audience. In a review of our last showcase, Martin Denton said it was "a sterling example of how to mount an evening of short plays."
The Plays:
Plight of the Apothecary by Elizabeth Birkenmeier; Sexually ambivalent siblings explore the limits of their post apocalyptic reality in this poetic, mind-bending, dark comedy.- Seeking: 2 females & 3 males- Early 20s- late 30s in appearance- must have great comic timing and an appreciation for the avant-garde.
–Directed by Justin Ness
Clementine by Lynda Green; A police stand-off is fertile ground for spiritual healing. A hostage situation turns into a beautiful night in. Seeking: 1 female, 2 males- 20s-30s.
– Directed by Jerrod Bogard
Selection by Kris Montgomery; Where do babies come from? In the future they come from screened donors chosen for their I.Q. scores. Sounds like a good idea-- unless you're below the line. Seeking: 3 females and 2 males- mid 20s to late 30s
- Directed by Tim Butterfield
The Return of Toodles Von Flooz by Lisa Ferber; "A film noir satire as dark as my third nipple and twice as funny." Betty O'Boozenberg, the Irish Jew, helps uncover the mystery of Toodles Von Flooz in this barroom morality tale. – Seeking: 2 females, 1 male- 20s-30s, with excellent comic timing- Looks similar Lauren Bacall, Gloria Grahame, Humphrey Bogart, Alan Ladd (and the like) are preferred.
-Directed by Kristin Skye Hoffmann
Auditions will be held the evening of Dec. 17th by appointment only. Callbacks to be held on Dec. 18th.
To request an audition slot please email a headshot, resume and cover letter to
Kristin [at]
-Performances will be February 3-20 Thursday-Saturday at 7pm, Sunday at 2pm.
At The Red Room theatre on the Lower East Side of New York. All cast members must be available for all performances.
-We are applying for an AEA showcase status so equity members feel free to submit.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
"Jack & The Soy Beanstalk" continues to grow!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
opening night: The Prairie Plays
Watkins performed his one-man show High Plains at the New York International Fringe Festival in 2009 and reprises that performance here under the direction of Wide Eyed company member Anthony Reimer.
The second play in the cycle, My Daughter Keeps Our Hammer, is a two-woman show performed by Katie Schorr and company member Amy Lee Pearsall. Tonight's performance marks its world premiere and is directed by our Artistic Director, Kristin Skye Hoffmann.
We're relieved to report our final tech/dress rehearsal was fairly uneventful and are thrilled to bits with the beautiful lighting design by Joe Novak and soundscape by Trevor Dallier.
The Prairie Plays runs through November 21 at Under St. Mark's Theater in NYC. Curtain is at 7:00 p.m. Thursday - Saturday and is at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. Run time is 2 hours. Tickets / Information available here.
Friday, October 8, 2010
We're Turning Three - Join us for our Party!!! No cover!
Three years a galaxy far, far away...okay, so it wasn't a galaxy, it was a football field in New Jersey...the seed of what was to become our theatre company was sown.
To commemorate and celebrate three years of risk-taking, relevant theatre, Wide Eyed Productions invites you to join us for our third birthday party this coming Saturday, October 9, 2010. No cover - this is not a fundraiser. Just come and play!
Stone Creek Bar and Lounge
140 E 27th St
Between 3rd and Lexington
We'll be gathering in the Stone Creek back room from 8-11 pm to have festivities and present awards! The festivities will continue in the main bar area past 11. We hope you will join us!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Call for Scripts!
Guidelines: Plays must be original, 10-30 minutes in length, cast of characters from 1-8, any theme.
Please submit all plays via email in PDF format along with the play's production history, a character breakdown and a short bio of the playwright.
Deadline for submissions: October 30th, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
exit, stage left
Our giant poster of Henry V now stripped from the wall of the East 13th Street Theatre, we bid our production of Henry VI (Part III) adieu and close our third season. In parting, we hope you will enjoy the kind things that local theatre bloggers had to say about our most recent production over at A Year of Plays, The Unbearable Banishment, and A Year of Shakespeare in NYC.
We look forward to supporting the independent theatre community at FringeNYC 2010 and we'll be back on the boards soon with our fourth season! Stay tuned...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The curse of...Henry VI (Part III)?
What's that, you say? You'd like to be a part of the action? As luck would have it, tonight is Pay-What-You-Can night for our production of Henry VI (Part III) at the East 13th Street Theatre. We also have some advance tickets available for the rest of the run. You can get them here.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
No Excuses: Pay-What-You-Can on Weds. 7/21
Thursday, July 15, 2010
king and country
- Our haze machine managed to set off the theatre's fire alarm twice and the effect has been struck from the show (our sincere and heartfelt apologies to the FDNY - we know you have much, much more important things to do than respond to false alarms and we love all that you do);
- Our leading lady is now gamely leading the charge of the Lancasters against the Yorks with a torn meniscus; and
- Cast/crew members of a certain television program that runs on a certain comedy channel purchased 7 tickets to our show last night under the guise of being regular theatre patrons. Ten minutes into the first act – with no concern or consideration for the quality of our production or the performers’ safety – proceeded to stand up in the audience, pull out a gigantic (fake) cell phone and yell over the action on stage while a second audience member pulled out a gigantic (real) camera from their bag to film it all, without any permission from us. According to our artistic director, "The actors took it upon themselves to escort both from the theatre, leaving the remaining five in the theatre. In hopes that we would not further disrupt the performance we did not try to seek them out in the dark...It was reported by other members of the audience that the remaining crew continued to film each other mocking the show, feigning sleep, etc., distracting our audience and disturbing our actors." One by one, the remaining five filtered out of the house during the first act, each promising that the next person would explain what the disruption was all about. (Don’t worry, punk show, you can explain it to at least two different unions, both of which I can guarantee will see nothing amusing in your prank at all.)
The glory of live theatre: it is never twice the same.
If you’d like a part of the action, you have two weeks left to see our mounting of Henry VI (Part III), "something of an event for theatre history buffs and Bardophiles," says Martin Denton of Tickets and information are available here.*
* Please unwrap your annoying candy and shut off your cell phones, regardless of size, before curtain. Photography is strictly prohibited. Thank you.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
In Action: Henry VI (Part III)!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Henry VI (Part III): 2-for-1 preview tix tonight!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Henry VI (Part III) Previews: July 1 - July 3

Henry VI (Part III) wrapped up tech last night - exhausted, giggling actors pictured above - and tonight marks the kick-off of our preview perfomances! If you're looking for a deal on tickets, you've found one here: we are offering $18.00 general admission tickets for our preview performances July 1 - July 3! You can get your preview tickets ahead of time online or you can pay at the door. Just remember, the East 13th Street Theatre is located on 13th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues in Manhattan's East Village. Enter through the Everyman Espresso coffee shop (which, by the way, makes a bitchin' iced Americano).
Sunday, June 27, 2010
modern renaissance men

Was it luck or kismet that brought actors/playwrights Jerrod Bogard and Nat Cassidy together in our upcoming production of Henry VI (Part III)? We'll leave you to muse upon that while listening to the recent podcast they did for nytheatrecast, the voice of In addition to discussing their work as playwrights, they talk about Henry at length.
And speaking of Henry VI, we moved from our rehearsal space into the East 13th Street Theatre this very afternoon. At this moment, our diligent load-in crew is hanging lights and wallpapering the back wall of the theatre with a fantastic effigy of Henry V watching over the realm he left to his son. This gigantic poster will be torn down bit by bit so that by the final performance only shreds of what was the previous monach's legacy remains. It promises to be a fantastic evolving and organic statement - one worthy of multiple viewings (or as Nat Cassidy says, Come early and come often).
We are so proud of this production and hope you will enjoy it. Tickets are available here.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
on the act of creation: Henry VI (Part III)

I'm curious about this whole creative process thing, you say. Can you tell me a little bit about what goes on behind the scenes?
Why, yes. Yes, we can. In fact, Adam Marple - the director of our upcoming production, Henry VI (Part III) - has an entire blog dedicated to the crafting of this production and the process of bringing this particular script to life. If you're interested, please feel free to rummage about here.
Monday, June 21, 2010
get a new headshot for just $100.00

You may have seen it publicized at our party on Saturday, but if not: through generous partnership with photographer Mark Adamsbaum, you can get a new headshot for just $100. As if that were not cool enough, a portion of the proceeds will benefit Wide Eyed. This is a win-win deal! Now, there are only a few timeslots available, so if you are interested:
1) Sign up for your time slot here.
2) Forward your $100.00 non-refundable payment securely via PayPal to Mark's email address, which is listed on the sign-up sheet.
It's just that simple. Take advantage of this fantastic deal and don't forget to say cheese!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Pour of the Roses: after report
At the eleventh hour, we met our $5,000 target on Kickstarter! We are so grateful to each and every one of you who made a donation or even just got the word out about our campaign. Our rent on the East 13th Street Theatre is now as good as paid, and our ambitious rendering of Shakespeare's Henry VI (Part III) has a place to play. Tickets are now on sale!
Secondly, our Pour of the Roses party at Stone Creek (our beloved official sponsor) was a rousing success. So much fun and love last night. Drinks flowed freely, the raffle prizes were hot (!) and the set played by local band The Plastic Pets was awesome (they have a gig on Tuesday at Arlene's Grocery, so go check them out if you have a chance).
Thank you again so much for both your interest and support. As Queen Margaret might say, You fight in justice.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Top 10 Reasons to Support Wide Eyed's Kickstarter Campaign
10. Wide Eyed has clout in the afterlife, where your good deeds are tallied and used as currency. - Jerrod Bogard, Resident Playwright
9. It's difficult to perform a period piece in torn up All-Stars. - Billy Dutton, Co. Member
8. Because we’re like Tinkerbell, we need applause to live! (No money = No show = No clapping = Death.) - Melissa Johnson, Board Member
7. Because "Coco" landed a gig, so you should be "with Wide Eyed" now. - Billy Dutton, Co. Member
6. Wide Eyed won't investigate your citizenship. - Jake Paque, Co. Member
5. You'll be our friend forever, which gets you nowhere but still sounds very nice. - Megan Jupin, Resident Stage Manager
4. Those children in Africa have Oprah. . . .We've got you. - Andrew Harriss, Co. Member
3. So classy you can even introduce Wide Eyed to your Mom. (I did. She had a blast at the Cast Party.) - Solomon Shiv, Co. Member
2. Truth be told: we're talented, and we don't need "high tech" sets, but we're just not very good at miming the bigger things ... like doors. - Lucy McRae, Co. Member
1: Without your generosity and support, Wide Eyed Productions would disappear.
With 3 days to go in our Kickstarter campaign, we are just $935 away from hitting our target of $5,000! Every donation helps, no matter the increment. Please consider backing our project today!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Return Engagement for Noah's Arkansas

By popular and critical demand,
Wide Eyed remounts Jerrod Bogard’s NOAH’S ARKANSAS
for two shows only- July 19th and 20th @ 7:30pm
The East 13th Street Theater (136 E. 13th St. NY NY).
Noah’s Arkansas is a heartfelt family drama asking, “What do you save when the water starts to rise?” Wayne Riggins loves his small-town life. He lives in a sweet double-wide trailer with his beautiful second wife, goes fishing with his father, and sees his teenage son three months every summer. But the flood of change is coming, and Wayne has to learn how to swim right fast if he wants to save everything from just washing away.
Some critical praise for Noah's Arkansas:
"the next generation of great American theatre is about to take center stage."
-N. Havey, Huffington Post
"Bogard's script is solid, intelligent, funny, and often profound, and the production,
under the steady hand of director Neil Fennell, is beautifully wrought."
- Martin Denton,
"cooks with action and conflict that grips us. This is a high-level professional production"
-Richmond Shepard,
The cast will feature Erik Frandsen*, Neil Fennell, Kristin Skye Hoffmann, Mike Komala, Melissa Johnson, Brianne Mai, and Justin Ness*. *Appearing courtesy of the Actors’ Equity Association
The creative team will include Set Design by Joshua David Bishop, Sound Design by Trevor Dallier, and Costume Design by Antonia Ford-Roberts.
July 19th and 20th, at 7:30pm.
The East 13th Street Theater (136 E. 13th Street)
Tickets ($12) at the door or online at
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Kickstart HENRY VI (Part III)
Coming in July, Wide Eyed Productions in collaboration with Columbia University will mount our most ambitious production to date: Shakespeare's most bloody chapter in the War of the Roses, "Henry VI (Part III)." This production, directed by Columbia MFA candidate Adam Marple, is slated to be staged at the prestigious East 13th Street Theatre. It promises to deliver an experience that will truly leave the eyes of our audience wide with wonder.
In bringing this project to life we are faced with an equally epic task of raising at least $5,000 through our Kickstarter campaign by midnight on June 20, 2010. We believe this is possible, but in order for us to reach this goal, we require the assistance and support of our audience.
This last year saw multiple artistic successes for Wide Eyed:
* Our '09 production, "The Spin Cycle," was published in Plays and Playwrights 2010 (New York Theatre Experience Small Press)
* Wide Eyed commissioned a family musical, "Jack and the Soy Beanstalk,"soon to be published by Baker's Plays at Samuel French
* Wide Eyed Productions was named a “Person of the Year”
* Two shows ("A World Elsewhere: Arias in the Key of Clown" and "Jack and the Soy Beanstalk") were well-received at the 2009 New York International Fringe Festival
* Acclaimed productions of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest" and the first New York City revival of "The Last Days of Judas Iscariot"
Our ability to continue to create the high caliber of work that you have come to expect from Wide Eyed Productions is contingent upon the generosity of our donors. We hope you will join us in this process!
You're Invited to the Pour of the Roses

$20 at the door
Open bar 9-10pm
Arrive after 10pm and get 2 drinks and a free raffle ticket
@ Stone Creek
140 E. 27th Street (between 3rd and Lex)
Party like it's 1421! Join us for our Pour of the Roses party to kick off our production of Shakespeare's War of the Roses fueled epic, Henry VI (Part III). Come partake in our open bar from 9-10pm; drink specials will follow. Revelry and amazing raffles will abound (including one for a week's stay at a resort in Mexico)!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
the (almost) final word on Noah's Arkansas...
"The characters in "Noah's Arkansas" are deftly brought to life under the superb direction of Neil Fennell. His cast of actors give nuanced, natural performances that wrap the audience in from the first line. The coy, lighting-fast, banter between Lizzy (the charming and very funny Kristin Hoffman) and Wayne (the powerful Justin Ness) sets the pace for the rest of the evening."
Check out the article by clicking here: Noah's Review at the Huffington Post

Monday, May 10, 2010
Silent Auction: "landscape:ARKANSAS"
photography to benefit
Once you have bid:
informing you of the status of your desired item,
Please bid in increasing increments of $5.00.
Happy bidding!
On the Square – Deborah Billingsley
Bidding starts at $50.00
Savage Theater – Janet Galland-Hunt
Bidding starts at $25.00
Cameron Bluff – Janet Galland-Hunt
Bidding starts at $25.00
Little House on the Hill – Janet Galland-Hunt
Bidding starts at $25.00
The Pig Trail – Janet Galland-Hunt
Bidding starts at $25.00
Natural Bridge – Janet Galland-Hunt
Bidding starts at $25.00
In the Ozarks – Janet Galland-Hunt
Bidding starts at $25.00
Circle B Ranch – Janet Galland-Hunt
Bidding starts at $25.00
Rat Pack Falls I – Phil Hobby
Bidding starts at $144.00
Rat Pack Falls II – Phil Hobby
Bidding starts at $144.00
Roark’s Bluff – Phil Hobby
Bidding starts at $144.00
Smith Creek – Phil Hobby
Bidding starts at $144.00
Chagrining – Dylan K. Jackson
Bidding starts at $31.00
Landmark – Dylan K. Jackson
Bidding starts at $31.00
The White River (near Newport, Arkansas) – Tim Rand
Bidding starts at $38.00
Crowley’s Ridge State Park (near Walcott, Arkansas) – Tim Rand
Bidding starts at $38.00
The Old Mill – Brian Roden
Bidding starts at $25.00
Beaver Bridge – Brian Roden
Where The Earth Meets The Sky – Kelly Shipp
Bidding starts at $56.00
Sunset at the Marina – Kelly Shipp
Bidding starts at $56.00
Highway Nirvana – Kelly Shipp
We have $56.00! Do I hear $61.00?
Cedar Creek Bridge – Kelly Shipp
Bidding starts at $56.00
Listening to the Trees – Kelly Shipp
Bidding starts at $56.00
Sunrise Silence – Kelly Shipp
Bidding starts at $56.00
Nature's Intermission – Kelly Shipp
Bidding starts at $56.00
Sunset Escape – Kelly Shipp
Bidding starts at $56.00
Sunrise on the Delta – Kevin Taylor
Bidding starts at $169.00
Red River Turnstile – Kevin Taylor
Bidding starts at $169.00
Northeast Arkansas Barn – Kevin Taylor
Bidding starts at $169.00
Setting over the Delta – Kevin Taylor
Bidding starts at $169.00
Early Morning Gathering – Kevin Taylor
Bidding starts at $169.00